New Music App Stock Android Music Player 3.0
The people who run the blog Tech from 10, recently received an unexpected present from Google on their Galaxy S Vibrant. A new Android Market app, which they dubbed the “Test Market”, which they assume is used by Android developers.
The interface was generally the same, but there were a lot of new things to be found. Firstly, there is a new “Content Rating” section for applications, which showed that apps will now be receiving ratings similar to the ones games receive by the ESRB. Screenshots show that there will be an “Everyone” category, but not all of the categories are known yet.
New apps were also found in this “Test Market” including a new 3.0 version of the stock Android Music app, Google Gallery 3D, Camera v12, and Desk Clock 10. The only thing that could be installed, however, was the new Music 3.0 app, which showed off a new interface similar to the redesign of the Gallery app that Android got with version 2.1. It is very similar to the Music app that is currently shipping on Honeycomb tablets, and even comes with support for Google’s upcoming cloud music service, which was inaccessible to the reviewers.
The music app update will come long awaited, as an increasing amount of 3rd-party apps have surfaced due to the lack of features of the current stock app. It will be interesting to see just how far away the release of these new, updated app is.
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