Fox's latest anti-AllVid FCC filing suggests new pay-TV service is coming to gaming consoles
As one of the media companies trying to convince the FCC that its new AllVid replacement for CableCARD -- forgotten what that is already? Click here for more detail on the standard companies like Google and Sony are
fighting for that would potentially let users directly access cable or
satellite TV streams without a box -- Fox recently called the FCC and
informed it of negotiations with a pay-TV service that wanted to license
channels and VOD for streaming to videogame consoles. Fox's aim is to
show that FCC interference isn't necessary since deals are already in
the works to bring pay-TV to different consumer electronics devices,
even as it frets over Time Warner's TWCable iPad app.
Of course, pending any regulatory decisions we can only wonder which
consoles or providers could be involved (our money is on the
aforementioned Time Warner, but Cablevision, Comcast and all the rest are working on technology of their own, while AT&T finally brought its U-Verse to the Xbox here in the US last fall) but this should keep the rumor mill going until something is actually announced.
Fox's latest anti-AllVid FCC filing suggests new pay-TV service is coming to gaming consoles
Fox's latest anti-AllVid FCC filing suggests new pay-TV service is coming to gaming consoles ditulis oleh
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