You can have a Blogger blogspot blog and a Wordpress blog on the same domain. This will enable you to have the best of both worlds. The minimal cost is ten dollars for Blogger plus fifteen dollars for Wordpress (not including hosting).To illustrate this I bought a domain name and hosting on BLUEHOST.COM............... WHAT IS A DOMAIN?A domain is a group of computers on the Internet with a common
The Meta Gadget for Blogger.
Wordpress has a meta widget which can be added in the sidebar. It contains links to login, logout, feed links and the link to Blogger does not have such a gadget. Instead it has the Blogger Navbar which can lead you to nasty blogs.Here is a Blogger Meta Gadget and a Google Meta Gadget which you can add to the sidebar : Google Gadget.Blogger GadgetSince feed links are better shown
Delete Comments Without Trash Can Icon!
To delete a Blogger comment first click the '4 COMMENTS' link below the post on the Main Page to open the comments page. Then click the Trash Can icon below the comment. Sometimes the Trash Can icon is not present. In such cases follow this method to delete the comment..........The Blogger Help article on deleting comments suggests using the following methods to see the Trash can icon :1.
Upgrade Classic Template without the "UPGRADE YOUR TEMPLATE" button.
Authentic Blogger Statement :"I would like to change my 'Template' to 'Layout' but on the tab 'Customize Design' I don't even see the button of 'Upgrade', what should I do? "Recently have seen many such appeals in the Blogger Help Group so I decided to investigate. Apparently the Blogger Team is working on a fix. Till then you can try out what I discovered..............Blogger blogs have either